Online Classroom Management Tips
The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities and CARE Team are dedicated to ensuring a productive, safe virtual classroom for all students and instructors.
Establish Classroom/Course Expectations
- Communicate expectations early and often and provide these expectations in multiple places for easy reference (e.g., on the course syllabus, within the learning management system)
- Use general etiquette and ask students to do the same (e.g., mute microphones when not speaking, raise hand virtually to ask a question, turn off camera if you’re stepping away)
- Review privacy guidelines (e.g., recording classes)
- Recording of classes is not prohibited – and may even be encouraged – but students should be reminded that inappropriate use of recordings is a violation of WVU policy.
- Discussions (e.g., you can disagree with others but should do so respectfully and constructively)
Examples of Disruptive Behavior
- Offensive/inappropriate discussion posts or submissions
- Harassment of others, either inside or outside of the course space
- Inappropriate or concerning behavior in a synchronous session
- Confrontational classroom or group discussions
- Inappropriate or confrontational email communications or telephone calls
Managing Disruptive Behavior
- Monitor all course spaces, especially if you provide students breakout discussion areas to chat and collaborate
- React promptly to offensive commentary or content
- Encourage students to communicate instances of disruptive behaviors
- Document consistent and repetitive disruptive behaviors and report these cases promptly either to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities or CARE Team
Escalating Concerns about Disruptive Behavior
- If the instructor believes the behavior is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, file a public report or email the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities at
- If the instructor believes a student is in crisis or at-risk, file a CARE referral or contact the CARE Team at if you have questions.
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