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Student Conduct Process Flowchart

Outline of the Student Conduct Process

Getting Started

  1. Complaint or Incident Report received 
  2. Primary Review occurs - Case review, information gathering and interview
  3. If a potential code violation occurred, the Formal Conduct Process will be followed. If the case might not meet the standards of violation, the Informal Conduct Process is followed.

Formal Conduct Process

  1. Written Notice - Details the Violation Notification of next steps
  2. Was the case resolved? If so, issue an Agreed Resolution. If not resolved, proceed to Step 3.
  3. Perform Conduct Hearing (single adjudicator, full range of sanctions available, required for suspension or expulsion), Conduct Conference (with a conduct administrator, typically below suspension), or First Time AOD Process (written violation notice and sanctions for first tie alcohol and drug violations).
  4. Outcome Letter - finding of responsibility, the stand of proof is the preponderance of evidence. Sanctions issues if violation found.
  5. End of Process

Informal Conduct Process

  1. Proceed with an information resolution, conflict resolution and mediation, educational conversation or medical amnesty.
  2. End of Process

Agreed Resolution

  1. Agreement on facts, sanctions in place of adjudication
  2. End of Process


  1. Must be submitted within five days
  2. End of Process

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