Outline of the Student Conduct Process
Getting Started
- Complaint or Incident Report received
- Primary Review occurs - Case review, information gathering and interview
- If a potential code violation occurred, the Formal Conduct Process will be followed. If the case might not meet the standards of violation, the Informal Conduct Process is followed.
Formal Conduct Process
- Written Notice - Details the Violation Notification of next steps
- Was the case resolved? If so, issue an Agreed Resolution. If not resolved, proceed to Step 3.
- Perform Conduct Hearing (single adjudicator, full range of sanctions available, required for suspension or expulsion), Conduct Conference (with a conduct administrator, typically below suspension), or First Time AOD Process (written violation notice and sanctions for first tie alcohol and drug violations).
- Outcome Letter - finding of responsibility, the stand of proof is the preponderance of evidence. Sanctions issues if violation found.
- End of Process
Informal Conduct Process
- Proceed with an information resolution, conflict resolution and mediation, educational conversation or medical amnesty.
- End of Process
Agreed Resolution
- Agreement on facts, sanctions in place of adjudication
- End of Process
- Must be submitted within five days
- End of Process
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